Feb 11

Recruiting Is Just Like Dating, Am I Right?

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I decided to state the obvious: recruiting is just like dating!

Picture this scenario. You see someone online who you really like, you message that person and hope to spark their interest. If successful, you might choose to talk to them on the phone before meeting up to determine if they are a good fit for you. You will get to know one another and there will be an exchange of information. Then, one of the following three situations will likely play out:

  1. It’s a Match!

So, you both like what you hear so far? Fantastic! This is the best possible scenario. You will likely want to meet and discuss the important aspects and practical details of your potential relationship. In recruiting, this means you invite a candidate to an interview. Their background, experience, potential, motivations, and cultural fit are evaluated. If everything looks good, after a few more formalities and further interviews, you will then make the candidate an offer. Now, this is where the hard work begins.

Retention Is Like Marriage

You landed your ideal candidate. Now it is time to put in some serious work. Why? Because 28% of employees are willing to quit a new job within the first 90 days. Improper onboarding plays a big role in this. So, it is important to remember that onboarding is the starting point for the success of new employees. Additionally, employees need to be consistently engaged and challenged. They need to be inspired by the people around them and know that their work is appreciated and that they have growth and development opportunities.

  1. Thanks, But No Thanks!

One, or both of you decided it’s just not a good match. Hey, that’s OK. Not all matches are made in heaven. There might be a mismatch between recruiter expectations and candidate experience. Or, the role is simply not a good career move for the candidate. Whatever the reason may be, the hunt continues for both the recruiter and candidate. Thankfully, there are plenty more fish in the sea and we can help find them, too. I know, call us cupid! Unfortunately, however, many candidates and recruiters simply don’t like to take the time to say, “no thanks”, which brings us to our next scenario.

  1. Ghosted!

So, you think your candidate is a great match for the role. You submit his/her information to your hiring manager, and they would love to meet them. Excited, you call, and you call, but to no avail. Your candidate has ghosted you. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do. You will just have to move on.

The other scenario in which the recruiter ghosts the candidate, on the other hand, is much more harmful because this type of behavior has a direct impact on employee experience and the employer brand. If your brand is OK with recruiters treating prospective candidates in this matter, then your reputation will precede you. Also, it’s just rude! (We have published a comprehensive blog about ghosting in the recruitment world here, in case I sparked your interest.)

We Love What We Do

Research Partners’ motto “we love what we do” has never been more fitting. We truly mean it, too! Our love for recruitment keeps us motivated to deliver the best client, as well as candidate experience, we possibly can. Often, this is a fine line that needs to be carefully navigated and not all clients and candidates should be treated the same. We understand that, like in dating, some people require more gentle and personable treatment, while others prefer cold hard facts and speed.  If your team could use some support and you want to swipe right on Research Partners, click here to find out what we can do for you. I know we’ll be the perfect match.

Feature Photo by Vitor Pinto on Unsplash

About The Author

Natalie Heilling is an International Executive Search Consultant and Co-Founder of Research Partners running various recruitment campaigns across Europe, North America, and Asia while helping clients reach their hiring targets with peace of mind. Natalie has worked in Technology and eCommerce for the last 20 years and helped US companies confidently establish themselves in Europe and emerging markets.

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